Please obey all the server rules, this is the only warning you get. We operate a zero tolerance policy.
- Don't argue with our server admins, listen and obey or you're history
- No racist or discriminatory names. We won't tolerate it.
- No abusive language, moderate swearing accepted, we like banter but don't insult other players
- Don't call people Noobs, Ghey or any other childish 1337 derivative. We're not interested in having that type of player on our server
- Keep to the spirit of the game, try and complete your objective. Do not deliberately attempt to disrupt your own team (i.e. what the TF2 community calls "griefing")
- No inappropriate or pornographic sprays
- No cheating. Cheats will be banned (however, please don't accuse players of cheating - report to admin)
- This is a UK server so please speak English
- No recruiting by other clans - period
- Everybody has an off day - but don't persistently bitch and moan on our servers please. Vent your frustration but don't make it constant - particularly if you don't like a specific map or other people's choice of class.
- Please don't team stack
- No persistent spawn camping
Report offences to one of our admins (steam friends. e-mail, PM or via this forum).